

After having just done the research on Web 2.0 for my wiki page for class, I found myself in an interesting conversation an acquaintance about what she thinks it is. I read specifically that the term does not refer to any specific change in technology on the Web, but rather a change in the way that people use it- specifically, the interaction and collaboration of Web 2.0 sites. She spent about 15 minutes "correcting" me- according to her, Web 2.0 is all about the coding that triggers the informational windows that popup when users mouse over certain parts of the screen. For a demo, take a look at Ask.com and search for anything. The results are listed similarly to Google's but there is a little binoculars icon you can mouse over next to each search result that lets you see a thumbnail of what the site looks like. You can quickly eliminate sites you know don't have what you are looking for with this feature.

This is a wonderful feature, but is not what Web 2.0 is all about. There is so much more to it, as I myself am still realizing realizing.

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